Equipment to Optimize Your Sanitizing Capabilities

< 1 min read

Frequent and thorough disinfection has become a must in public spaces. This no longer applies to just high-touch areas, but often includes almost every exposed surface. Managing sanitization protocols on such a large scale can be a strain on time and resources. Plus, this spotlight on sanitizing won’t necessarily disappear once the COVID-19 crisis is over. How do you both meet the needs of today and invest in the opportunities of tomorrow? Continue reading Equipment to Optimize Your Sanitizing Capabilities

Smart, Practical Marketing Ideas to Generate More Business Right Now

5 min read

What kind of marketing should pro painters be doing now? PPC sat down with Al Pirozzoli, a marketing consultant who has helped numerous painting companies and other trades grow their business through good times and bad. Here is Al’s advice, along with some ideas designed to get you more business now.
Continue reading Smart, Practical Marketing Ideas to Generate More Business Right Now

‘You Are Not Alone’: PCA Offers Education and Support for Paint Pros During COVID-19

2 min read

“You are not alone.”

That is the message members say they’re getting from the Painting Contractors Association (PCA) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Continue reading ‘You Are Not Alone’: PCA Offers Education and Support for Paint Pros During COVID-19