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From Flashing to Flawless Finish

3 min read

How to make drywall patches invisible

How often have you run into this? The drywall has been perfectly patched, but even after multiple coats, you can still see the patch through the paint.

Whether you made the problem or you’re fixing someone else’s work, this issue—often referred to as “flashing”—can be a real problem for painters, acting as a literal blemish on your work. Thankfully, it’s easily repaired.

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Start the Year Right

3 min read

3 proactive ways to build your business

A new year means a new opportunity to find fresh ways to expand and improve your business. Whether you have been running your own business for decades or you’re just getting started, you likely want to know how to take your team to the next level.

Thankfully, Sherwin-Williams offers several productivity-enhancing tools that can help you make 2023 your business’ best year yet, with unique services that can help contractors recruit talented employees, train them in best practices, and save time on the jobsite.

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