Need to Decompress? These Stress Relievers
Can Help

3 min read

Stress levels may be high these days in the paint contracting world, and if you’re among those struggling to deal with the pressure, you’re not alone. A recent survey conducted by the University of Chicago for the Data Foundation found that roughly two-thirds of Americans say they felt nervous, depressed, lonely or hopeless on at least one of their last seven days.
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Can Help

What We’re Doing to Stay Safe and Productive During COVID-19, with Colorado Painter Dave Barry

4 min read

Dave Barry started painting at age 14 in Boston. He moved to the mountains of Colorado in 1996 and started his own company, Barry Painting Inc. Over the years he has painted everything from small homes to some of the most exclusive residential properties in the Boulder, Colorado area, as well as commercial and multifamily properties. He recently started a new business called Rocky Mountain Finishing LLC, with a spray booth that helps him expand into finishing cabinets, metal, furniture, trim packs, doors and more. PPC editor Mike Starling caught up with Dave to ask him about the challenges he’s facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading What We’re Doing to Stay Safe and Productive During COVID-19, with Colorado Painter Dave Barry

Are You an Exterior Expert? Here’s How to Raise Your Game

6 min read

The time is right for exterior painting, especially with interior painting demand down due to COVID-19. If you’re not an exterior specialist, this article will give you the building blocks to elevate your outdoor painting game, from proper surface prep and when to prime to topcoat sheen, applicator options and cleanup.
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Bigger’n Texas: BLS Painting Tackles an Austin Mansion

3 min read

At 14,680 square feet, this home in Austin, Texas was definitely not your typical residential painting project. Plus, with a multitude of wood paneling, custom trim work, and other custom painting details, it would take the right company to do the job right.
Continue reading Bigger’n Texas: BLS Painting Tackles an Austin Mansion