Winter 2023 Editor’s Picks: Five Cool Tools and Products That Will Make Your Jobs Go Easier

3 min read

As part of our ongoing mission to help painting professionals maximize their job site productivity, each issue of PPC magazine features our favorite application tools and essential job site equipment and supplies. Here are our Winter 2023 picks: Continue reading Winter 2023 Editor’s Picks: Five Cool Tools and Products That Will Make Your Jobs Go Easier

How to Fit Everything You Need in One Van

2 min read

Save time and skip the headaches by decluttering your van

The painter’s van is the central hub of your business—your office on the go. That’s why optimizing your van’s loadout is so important. A disorganized or overcrowded van can make it hard to find what you’re looking for when you need it. Painters can be stuck taking multiple trips from the van to the job site and back again just to get everything they need, time that could be better spent painting or with a client. Continue reading How to Fit Everything You Need in One Van

How to Build Your Social Media Presence

3 min read

Generate quality leads from social media with these 6 tips

Tell the painters on your team to pull out their phones and get on social media. No, it’s not a distraction or a waste of time on the job. In fact, savvy social media skills can save your business time and help you land more jobs and make more money. Continue reading How to Build Your Social Media Presence