Category Archives: ONLINE EXTRAS

Serving Solutions

4 min read

Sherwin-Williams provided key assists on these projects

Whether it’s the convenience of more than 4,500+ store locations or the vast array of innovative products that provide a solution for just about any task a painting professional may face, contractors have come to depend on Sherwin-Williams as a trusted and valued resource. Continue reading Serving Solutions

Improve Productivity by 55% with the 14-inch Roller System*

3 min read

Purdy® innovation helps you get more done

What if your team could do more projects—without working any extra hours, hiring any extra employees, or cutting any corners?

With demand for work higher than ever, painting contractors are looking for any edge to make their crews more productive. That’s where the Purdy 14-inch Roller System comes in. Continue reading Improve Productivity by 55% with the 14-inch Roller System*

The Top 10 Questions that Painting Professionals Ask Time and Time Again

5 min read

Long-time PPC Ask Your ProPartner™ columnist Rick Watson retired in December 2021. Before he left, we asked him about the most common questions he heard over his 34 years in the paint industry. In no particular order, here are his top 10 “ageless questions.”
Continue reading The Top 10 Questions that Painting Professionals Ask Time and Time Again

SuperDeck® Puts Technology to Work

3 min read

Product lineup delivers real benefits you and your customers will notice

The SuperDeck® product collection offers a complete care system for exterior decks, whether they’re new or old. Contractors love the easy cleanup and application features of SuperDeck products, while customers will enjoy long-lasting performance and protection, not to mention a beautiful finish.

Alex Sinclair, Director of Product Information at Sherwin-Williams, knows the superior benefits of the SuperDeck product line are no accident. Development teams at Sherwin-Williams are constantly engineering product formulations to deliver maximum benefits. Below, Sinclair discusses features and benefits of three key SuperDeck product groups. Continue reading SuperDeck® Puts Technology to Work

Be Likeable — It Pays

3 min read

Common courtesy is part of a business-building communication strategy 

Your bid offered a low price using reputable products and your workmanship is highly regarded, yet your competitor won the job.

What’s up with that?

If you’ve ever encountered such a scenario in the painting business, the answer could be simple: The customer simply liked your competitor more.

The fact is people often hire people they like, a direct result of emotions and biases they’ve formed on the basis of personal interactions. Business is often as much about the relationships you build as the services you perform. And if you’re failing to build connections with your customer on a human level, you may be building obstacles that your pricing, product selection and workmanship are unable to overcome. Continue reading Be Likeable — It Pays