Category Archives: BUSINESS BUILDERS

5 Keys to Making Great Hires for Your Painting Company

3 min read

Poor hires can have a negative impact on your company’s reputation, and high turnover rates can be a time-consuming financial drain. What’s the solution?
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When Leadership Matters Most: Tough Times Require Strong, Courageous Leaders

3 min read

It’s never easy to be a leader, even when business is booming. Remember when your phone didn’t stop ringing and your crews barely had time to clean their brushes between jobs? Your critical decision-making and guidance then led your team to maximum success. Continue reading When Leadership Matters Most: Tough Times Require Strong, Courageous Leaders

Lessons from the Past: How Contractors Handled the 2008 Downturn

3 min read

“The West Wing” was a popular television series that ran through 2006. One episode tells the story of a guy who walks down the street and falls in a hole. The walls are so steep he can’t get out. A doctor passes by and the guy shouts for help. Continue reading Lessons from the Past: How Contractors Handled the 2008 Downturn

A Four-Point Plan to Wow Your Customers and Pull Your Company through the COVID Crisis

4 min read

What steps are you taking to protect your business during the COVID-19 emergency? In this article, pro painter and PPC contributing writer Terry Begue offers a framework to help you stay engaged and take care of your customers through this restricted time, so that you can emerge on the other side of this crisis with a business that’s ready to take care of you.
Continue reading A Four-Point Plan to Wow Your Customers and Pull Your Company through the COVID Crisis