Tag Archives: Werner LEANSAFE X3

Does Your Painting Equipment Need a Spring Checkup?

5 min read

These tips will ensure you’re ready for exterior season

Spring’s just around the corner, and like many painting businesses, you’re probably beginning to prepare for exterior season. In all your preparation, don’t forget to perform an annual checkup on your equipment. Now’s the time to make sure your gear is still performing well and to upgrade or replace any tools or equipment as necessary.

Here’s a quick checklist to help guide you through some of your most important equipment maintenance decisions. Continue reading Does Your Painting Equipment Need a Spring Checkup?

How to Fit Everything You Need in One Van

2 min read

Save time and skip the headaches by decluttering your van

The painter’s van is the central hub of your business—your office on the go. That’s why optimizing your van’s loadout is so important. A disorganized or overcrowded van can make it hard to find what you’re looking for when you need it. Painters can be stuck taking multiple trips from the van to the job site and back again just to get everything they need, time that could be better spent painting or with a client. Continue reading How to Fit Everything You Need in One Van

Are You Ready for Exterior Season?

3 min read

11 products that can maximize your productivity on the job site

Depending on where you live, exterior season is either just around the corner or already here. While that’s great news for your business, exterior painting comes with its own distinct needs and challenges.

Thankfully, we’ve done the prep work for you. Check out our checklist of 11 products you and your crews should keep stocked this season to maximize your quality and productivity.

Continue reading Are You Ready for Exterior Season?