Tag Archives: Noah Kanter

How to Find and Hire the Right Job Candidate

3 min read

Save time and energy with these hiring best practices

Few decisions are more important for your painting business than hiring the right employee. A good hire can maximize your business’ productivity, boost team morale, and lead to long-term growth. The high-potential newcomer you hire today could become a future leader for your company — or they could become a headache that quits on you a few months later.

It’s hard to know when you hire someone whether they’re the right pick, but experts point to three key best practices that can guide you. Follow these practices for finding and hiring job candidates, and odds are good your next hire will be the right choice. Continue reading How to Find and Hire the Right Job Candidate

The Best Coatings for Your Exterior Painting Projects

3 min read

To ensure a quality, long-lasting paint job, you need to choose the right topcoat. For best performance, proper preparation is critical. Here are our recommendations for the best exterior coatings to use based on your project and environmental conditions.
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The New Generation of Paint Pros: Meet Noah Kanter of Nth Degree Painting in Vermont

3 min read

Noah Kanter worked on a paint crew over summers and breaks to help pay for college. Now it has turned into his chosen career.

The owner of Nth Degree Painting in Burlington, Vermont hired his first employees this summer, and is launching a new podcast in December 2019. PPC sat down with Noah this summer to talk about his work, the current state of the industry, and what fuels his success.
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Noah Kanter on the Challenges and Benefits of Hiring His First Employees

2 min read

This summer, PPC hit the road for two days with Noah Kanter, a contractor serving residential customers in northern Vermont. In this article, we talk with him about his decision to hire his first employees and the challenges and benefits it has brought to him and his company.
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Noah Kanter on Why He Chose a Career in Painting and Why College and the Trades Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

2 min read

This summer, PPC hit the road for two days with Noah Kanter, a contractor serving residential customers in northern Vermont. In this article, we talk with him about why he chose a career in painting, why it’s important for contractors to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and why college and the skilled trades do not need to be mutually exclusive.
Continue reading Noah Kanter on Why He Chose a Career in Painting and Why College and the Trades Aren’t Mutually Exclusive