Getting Started with Google Business Profiles

2 min read

7 steps to start showing up when clients Google “painters near me”

If you’re a painting business owner, you have probably heard of the importance of having a website, posting updates online, and even SEO (search engine optimization). But many painters don’t have a Google Business Profile. If that’s you, that mistake may be keeping you out of the top Google search results for your area—and it’s important to show up highly on Google. Continue reading Getting Started with Google Business Profiles

Enhance Your Cabinet Refinishing Results

3 min read

The new Gallery Series™ Waterborne Topcoat offers color choices and boosts productivity.

With more and more homeowners looking to update their living spaces, refinished cabinets can give homeowners the high-end looks they desire without the equally high-end costs of replacing cabinets entirely. This trend can be very profitable for your painting business. However, cabinet refinishing can be labor-intensive and requires a system to be in place for maximum productivity.

Building that system starts with choosing the right product—and the new Gallery Series™ Waterborne Topcoat is the right product for the job. Continue reading Enhance Your Cabinet Refinishing Results

What to Look for When Buying an Airless Spray Gun

3 min read

Before you buy, consider these five factors.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of options when selecting an airless spray gun. For many painters, the decision is especially important because the spray gun is what they’ll be holding in their hand for the vast majority of the workday. Continue reading What to Look for When Buying an Airless Spray Gun

Help Ease Your Customers’ Color Journey with the 2024 Colormix® Forecast

4 min read

As a professional painting contractor, you know that color selection can be one of your customers’ biggest pain points. With so many color options available, it’s easy to see why. So how do you help your customers make informed choices and get your jobs started quickly?

The good news is that you and your customers don’t have to be color experts. You can rely on the experienced color professionals at Sherwin-Williams, who have developed easy-to-use tools and resources to help make the color decision process faster and easier.
Continue reading Help Ease Your Customers’ Color Journey with the 2024 Colormix® Forecast

Why Culture Counts

3 min read

Hire and retain more employees by building a company they like working for

Your company’s culture is the DNA of your business. It affects everything from your values to your employees’ behavior on the job site. Instilling the right culture can help your business recruit and retain more employees and set your team up for long-term success. On the other hand, a poor culture could be the reason why you’re struggling to find good help or keep your best painters.

In the PRO+ Training Series webinar “Recruiting and Building Culture,” Torlando Hakes, CEO of Craftsman Painters, and Michal Cheney, owner of No Drip Painting in Columbus, Ohio, offer these best practices for building company culture. Continue reading Why Culture Counts