Tag Archives: Illinois

When My Craft Became My Calling: How Two Paint Pros Turned Jobs into Careers

5 min read

Every painter has an origin story. An aha moment when they realized their true calling. And while each story is unique, there are often common threads that tie them together. When we sat down to chat with two expert pros, we discovered it is their love of the trade, a desire to build their knowledge and skills and an openness to collaboration that led them to turn “just a job” into businesses and lifelong careers.
Continue reading When My Craft Became My Calling: How Two Paint Pros Turned Jobs into Careers

Pro to Pro with Steven Foglia: The Right Paint for the Job

< 1 min read

For more than 30 years, PPC magazine has been on job sites throughout the U.S. and Canada asking residential and commercial paint pros to share their stories. In our Pro to Pro column, we recap some of the best advice contractors have received and passed on over the last three decades. THIS TIME: Steven Foglia, Illini Paint Company, Decatur, Illinois.
Continue reading Pro to Pro with Steven Foglia: The Right Paint for the Job

The CPIA Looks Back at 2020 and What’s Ahead for Commercial Painters in 2021

3 min read

Designed to fill a gap of resources for the commercial painting business owner, a new trade organization called the Commercial Painting Industry Association (CPIA) was formed in 2020.

The organization is described by founders Steve Hester and Aaron Moore as “a peer group-driven trade association focused on bringing together elite business owners and their key team members on a regular basis to share, connect, and grow as both individuals and leaders.” PPC editor Mike Starling spoke with Moore to see how the CPIA’s first year went, and what’s on tap for 2021. Continue reading The CPIA Looks Back at 2020 and What’s Ahead for Commercial Painters in 2021

Estate Plan: Brown Bear Painting’s ‘Pandemic Project’

3 min read

Though in business for just eight years, Brown Bear Painting has quickly established itself in its hometown of Morris, a city of about 15,000 located about 70 miles southwest of Chicago in Grundy County. Continue reading Estate Plan: Brown Bear Painting’s ‘Pandemic Project’