Better Branding for a Digital World: 3 Ways to Elevate Your Online Presence

4 min read

In this article, Terry Begue, professional painting contractor and author of Attract and Keep Customers for Life, shares his insights on three ways to elevate your online presence.

Adjusting to the new way of marketing

The pandemic has impacted the way we operate our businesses, taking us to the digital age at a faster rate than some of us (namely me) were ready for. Even when the pandemic is over, I think it’s safe to say that things will never be the same in terms of how we connect with our customers.

As we adjust to the new normal, it’s important to remember there are two things that will never change when it comes to developing our personal brand:

  1. consumers will always prefer to do business with people they know, like and trust
  2. positioning yourself as an authority in your field will always drive value, and is one of the best ways to stand out from the competition

So, how do you help prospective clients experience your great qualities in a time when face-to-face interaction is at an all-time low? Here are three ideas that will help you create a digital presence that supports your brand as “the expert” in your industry.

1. Update your website

You can turn your website into a credible digital source by writing authoritative posts on your company’s blog. If writing is not your thing, create a Q&A page focused on common customer questions. Just be sure you’re giving value to your target markets. How are you solving your ideal customer’s problems? The idea here is to show you listen and understand their needs and what’s important to them. You can also submit your blogs to your local and online trade publications.

Provide social proof by highlighting customer testimonials. What other people say about their experience when working with you is powerful, and can be a great source for building brand authority.

Have a separate page for just testimonials. Video endorsements are even better! Be sure to sprinkle your best ones on other pages where you have room.

If you want to increase the chances of people seeing your website you can go to Fiverr and hire someone to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization) but that comes with a cost. For me, I look at my website as a video brochure where I can send prospects if they want to learn more about us.

The more your website becomes a trusted resource, the more your brand will be associated with authority in your area.

2. Consider video

What do you talk about? Think about what you say to your customers when you want them to know you value their business. This is a great place for your elevator pitch. I’m talking about a few sentences you memorize that speaks to the problem you solve for your target customers.

I’m sure if you give it a little thought you can come up with a lot of reasons why someone would want to buy from you? Don’t overthink it, just make it clear and concise. Each video should not be more than a few minutes and can be recorded on your phone. If you’re worried you won’t remember what to say when you hit record, there’s nothing wrong with looking at your notes.

3. Be a guest on podcasts

This one is my favorite because as a guest, the only thing you need to do is block out time to be interviewed, and know what you want to say. The host creates the platform, does the marketing and editing and sends it out to their audience.

Why would you want to do this? The answer is simple, because important people get interviewed.

Keep in mind, you don’t need to be an author or leader in your field to be a guest on someone’s podcast. If you have expertise in a certain area (and I’m sure you do) then share it with the world!

Did you know that as of February 2021, there are over 1.7 million podcasts and over 43 million episodes? Guesting on podcasts can allow you to reach a whole new subset of your market who prefer to connect brands through an audio format. This is an easy way to generate enthusiasm and establish yourself as an industry leader. If you fear you’ll blank out during the podcast, just send them the questions you want them to ask you, or ask them to send theirs beforehand. Remember, it’s a show and the hosts want you to be great.

I suggest you go to and create a free account as a guest wanting to be on podcasts. The key is to be helpful, and share valuable information and insights. There are some added bonuses to guest podcasting as well, including better search engine results, and backlinks.

This is a double whammy when you post the interview on your website as crosslinks helps with SEO.

Final thoughts

Today, it’s not so much about who you know, but instead, who knows you.

I personally have done, and still do all three of the above ideas. You don’t need to be techy and the best part, they cost nothing if you already have a website. Keep in mind, the more customers learn about you, the more likely they will look at you as, “the expert” — and everyone trusts experts!

Owning and operating a service business should be rewarding and satisfying. If you are struggling to grow, establish and/or scale your business in the new normal, I can help. My course Unnoticed to Unforgettable is created to help people who know in their heart that they’re worth more than they’re making, and are ready to take control over their business, their income and their life.

This article was originally published in the Spring 2022 issue of PPC magazine. Story by Terry Begue, owner of Begue Painting Inc and one of the 2022 winners of the Achievement in Excellence Award from the National Sales & Marketing Executives. Terry is a frequent contributor to PPC magazine. Read more of his stories in the PPC magazine archive.