Tag Archives: Dennis Fiorilli

5 Essential Prep Tips for Repainting Cabinets

3 min read

Following this process will help ensure success on your next job

Preparation is the most important factor when it comes to the success of your cabinet repaint job. Failing to properly prep can result in peeling, chipping, or cracked paint—and a strong likelihood of a costly callback. Continue reading 5 Essential Prep Tips for Repainting Cabinets

Pros-Only Coatings: How Can I Use These to Up My Game?

3 min read

Want answers to your most pressing painting problems? PPC’s Ask Your ProPartner™ columnist Dennis Fiorilli is here to help. The subject this time: high-performance coatings developed especially for use by professional painting contractors. Continue reading Pros-Only Coatings: How Can I Use These to Up My Game?

Repainting Cabinets: Answers to Pros’ FAQs by Your ProPartner™

< 1 min read

Want answers to your most pressing painting problems? PPC’s Ask Your ProPartner™ columnist Dennis Fiorilli is here to help. This time: answers to the most common questions about repainting cabinets. Continue reading Repainting Cabinets: Answers to Pros’ FAQs by Your ProPartner™

Eliminating Mold and Mildew

2 min read

Keep the dark patches away for good with these expert tips

Mold and mildew can be a real source of frustration for homeowners. It not only ruins paint jobs with ugly, discolored spots but can also cause severe respiratory issues for many people and pets. Come to the rescue for these homeowners by eliminating their mold and mildew problem. Continue reading Eliminating Mold and Mildew