Social Media 101 for Painting Contractors

2 min read

Sherwin-Williams offers step-by-step instructions on how to set up pages and start advertising

Stumped by social media and how it might help grow your business?

Many painting contractors are growing a successful social media presence. And your Sherwin-Williams rep can direct you to a new guide from Sherwin-Williams that will show you how, featuring specific sections on using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other platforms, as well as an extended section on creating Facebook ads.

“Word of mouth remains a key business driver for painting contractors, and social media is the preferred word of mouth,” says Clare Georgia, Sherwin-Williams Marketing Director — Engagement. “Today’s customers start their research online. From positive testimonials to basic information about your business, and from event promotion to low-cost advertising opportunities, your online and social media presence is essential in today’s marketplace.”

The Social Media for Painting Contractors Guide starts by explaining the benefits of social media for businesses and provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidelines on setting up a successful business page on each of the most important social media platforms. Then, it dives in to building a functional Facebook presence, following instruction on creating a business page with guidelines on what and how to post on Facebook. Creating a Facebook business page, for example, is an easy three-step process that starts with logging in to your personal account, clicking “Create a Page” from the crop-down menu, and following the prompts provided to build out your business profile.

Similar instruction then follows for Instagram and LinkedIn, and links to using other social media platforms, such as YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and Yelp. But Georgia advises contractors to start with Facebook.

“Use Facebook if you’re any business that wants to connect with your customer; it’s that simple,” says Georgia. “Facebook continues to be the most widely used social media platform and your customers will expect to see you there.”

Many users will want to take a deeper dive into reaching more customers and creating effective Facebook ads. The guide provides a how-to, starting with setting overall objectives for your campaign. You can follow prompts to set up campaign details such as targeting, budget, and scheduling. You’ll define your audience based on location, age or gender, and focus on their interests, behaviors, and connections, all in an effort to create the most effective ad campaign.

Whether ads consist of a slide show, carousel, or video ads, the most effective of them will feature high-quality, colorful visuals.

“Effective ads will make best use of high-quality images and video by keeping them simple and uncluttered with effective use of color to grab attention,” says Georgia. “Text should provide a benefit for the customer, focus on a single theme, and include a high-value offer, if applicable.

“Advertising on Facebook is one of the most effective ways to get your company in front of customers in your area,” says Georgia. “The ads are easy to create, fit almost any budget, and reach customers on a platform in which many of them are already very active. The guide makes it very simple to deliver an effective campaign.”

Georgia notes that some contractors remain wary of the social media space, but she advises that an online presence has become essential.

“Having a social media presence for your business is no longer a best practice, it’s a must-have,” she says.

Access the guide here (available in both English and Spanish), plus find more tips and links to information on how to get started on all these social platforms.